Nashville, indiana vegetarians, vegans and raw foodist events and singles dating

is a 68 year old, Christian / other female.
Living in Nashville, indiana
Raw food diet.
I have been a vegetarian for nearly 50 years and on the raw, living foods, vegan diet since 2003. I feel fabulous! I'm very active, love learning new things. Gotta keep the brain neurons firing!
I hike three miles every day, up and down hills. Love skating, dancing, yoga, euchre, games, reading, writing, and more. I enjoy intelligent, lively discussions. I have large, organic gardens and pick wild greens year round.
I ascribe more to the teachings Jesus and his brother, James, who was a vegetarian. I'd like to study more about the Essenes, Nazarenes, and Ebionites. Recently saw the documentary, Christpiracy, where some put forth the theory that Jesus was a vegetarian. That idea resonates with me as truth.