new orleans, louisiana vegetarians, vegans and raw foodist events and singles dating
is a 35 year old, other / not disclosed female.
Living in new orleans, louisiana
Vegan diet.
is a 57 year old, spiritual female.
Living in New Orleans, louisiana
Vegetarian diet.
I am an introverted extorvert who believs that happieness is the key to success. When we invite positively into our lives, we also create a fulfilling life that brings good things. I maybe too pollianna for some, but I seek to live life with passion and with no regrets. I am seeking a balanced male of any race who is passionate, introspective, HAPPY, and seeks who the most out of life. I have traveled and lived long-term in six foreign countries. I plan to discover more of this planet and who like to do so with a special person. Lets connect and see what happens.