Mendocino County, california vegetarians, vegans and raw foodist events and singles dating
is a 72 year old, Agnostic / not religious male.
Living in Mendocino County, california
Vegan diet.
"Ah, but I was so much older then/I'm younger than that now" ~Bob Dylan. Perhaps citing this lyric dates me but it really describes how I feel. Since becoming vegan in 1990 after reading Diet for a New America by John Robbins, I now feel younger in body, mind and spirit than I did back then. I think celebrating life is the anecdote to our dominant culture of death, so I spend much of my time these days growing fruits and vegetables in my garden and expressing a healthy plant based lifestyle through my personal relationships and helping to organize vegan potlucks and events. My main cultural interests include nutrition, anthropology and ecology on which I am currently writing a book. I live on ten wooded acres with my loyal and loving doggie companion, Fancy. I still have hopes there is another LTR in my life, but in the meantime I just enjoy being in the company of fellow vegan travelers.
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