Los Alamos, new_mexico vegetarians, vegans and raw foodist events and singles dating
is a 78 year old, Unitarian female.
Living in Los Alamos, new_mexico
Veg at home diet.
Agnostic deist, science fiction fan, movie addict, computer literate, likes to travel, walk, learn, solve puzzles, and experience new things. Intelligent, but having more trouble with recall as I age. I have traveled to all 50 states and all 7 continents. I respond favorably to dark chocolate. Now in a small condo and my only pet is a cat robot - it only eats batteries and doesn't need a litter box. Lessons I've learned: the only thing constant in the world is change; people believe what they want to believe regardless of the evidence; don't believe everything you think; faith is believing what you know can't be true; love is a terrible thing to hate.
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