Quebec, quebec vegetarians, vegans and raw foodist events and singles dating
is a 35 year old, Catholic female.
Living in Quebec, quebec
Raw food diet.
je recherche du serieux
is a 40 year old, other / not disclosed male.
Living in Quebec, quebec
Veggie/vegan diet.
It's kind of hard to describe yourself in only 1050 chars. So if I sound a little weird, let's just say I ran out of space. I'm a 3d Animator, currently working in the Video Game industry. Love Hockey, The Oilers are the greatest team ever. Been a veggie/veganish type for, well not sure how many years now... Lost count. I love to cook, even though I don't really know how. And the same thing with dancing. There aren't too many things I'm affraid of in life, except large pools of water (lakes, pools, that kinda thing) and touching my eyes. I can watch any movie or listen to any music, and if you try to ask me what I like the most, I could probably never give you an answer. Well that's not true, the answer is always Bon Jovi. My goal in life is to work hard enough doing what I do so that I can retire at a decent age, get season tickets to the Oilers and live out the rest of my days.
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